Sensory room completed at NJSHS


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Jun 23, 2024

Sensory room completed at NJSHS

NAPOLEON — A new sensory room at Napoleon Junior/Senior High School is in use while work is continuing on another project for a makerspace. Principal Ryan Wilde explained there are three components to

NAPOLEON — A new sensory room at Napoleon Junior/Senior High School is in use while work is continuing on another project for a makerspace.

Principal Ryan Wilde explained there are three components to the sensory room — academic, calming and movement.

A classroom that is no longer utilized has been converted to the space, which is open to students when they need it and are accompanied by an adult such as a guidance counselor. The room is intended to help students find their way back to engagement, according to Wilde, and release energy, let out stress and take a moment.

The room includes diffusers on the lights, plants and paintings, exercise ball chairs and an aquarium scene playing. An academic area includes a desk area, while the movement area includes a treadmill, exercise bike, mini trampoline and swing. The calming portion has a massage chair, bean bag chairs, a hugging blanket, weighted blanket and a crash pad. There’s also yoga mats, guided meditation, fidget items and a punching bag.

There’s also a process in place for placing the fidgets after they’re used in a container and students in the multiple handicap classes clean them as a work-study.

“We are very happy with it,” Wilde said.

The room is used at least several times a day, from students who routinely go in every day to those who occasionally use it.

“So there was a kid who was having a really bad day, and the student went up there and spent some time in the massage chair,” Wilde said. “We use a sensory chart — where were you in the beginning (and) where you are afterwards — and the kid shows that they feel completely better.

“The kid said the most amazing thing ... ‘That massage chair felt as if I was being hugged and that’s all I wanted was a hug,’” Wilde said. “So I think it’s paid for itself.”

Some work has started on the makerspace, which is in three parts by reallocating the former Esports and Wildcat Broadcasting room, as well as a portion of the media center that’s next to that room.

A portion of the media center now has dry erase tables and stools, plus board games and STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Math) kits that students can use.

Also planned for the makerspace are 3-D printers, computers that can be used for editing and that can be used in conjunction with the 3-D printers and other equipment, sound and lighting equipment and possibly sewing machines. A portion for photography and video production is also planned. The space will continue to be used for Esports as well.

Mental health and wellness funds from the state were utilized for the project, including approximately $4,000 for the sensory room and $4,800 for the makerspace.

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