How Rings Training can Transform Your Upper Body Strength and Get you Shredded in 30 Days


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Jul 27, 2023

How Rings Training can Transform Your Upper Body Strength and Get you Shredded in 30 Days

Body transformation at its finest. This is how rings training can transform your upper body strength and get you shredded in 30 days. Using rings as a workout tool presents a compelling alternative

Body transformation at its finest.

This is how rings training can transform your upper body strength and get you shredded in 30 days.

Using rings as a workout tool presents a compelling alternative for individuals aiming to achieve a shredded physique. One key advantage lies in the increased demand for stability and coordination that rings impose. Unlike traditional fixed equipment, the instability of rings requires engagement from various stabilizing muscles, fostering a more comprehensive and effective workout. This engagement not only targets primary muscle groups but also activates secondary and supporting muscles, leading to a more holistic and shredded physique.

Additionally, rings allow for a greater range of motion in exercises. The freedom of movement provided by rings enables individuals to perform exercises through a full range, promoting muscle flexibility and development. This enhanced range of motion contributes to improved muscle definition and ensures that each rep is maximizing the activation of muscle fibres. As a result, individuals using rings as part of their training regimen are likely to experience more significant gains in muscle definition, ultimately contributing to a shredded appearance.

The adaptability of rings adds another layer of versatility to workouts. Whether indoors or outdoors, rings can be easily set up, providing a portable and convenient solution for those who prefer dynamic training environments. This adaptability encourages consistency in training, a crucial factor in achieving a shredded physique. The ability to integrate ring training into various settings allows individuals to maintain their fitness routines, regardless of location or access to traditional gym equipment.

Furthermore, the nature of ring training often involves bodyweight exercises, creating a functional and effective way to build strength and definition. Bodyweight exercises on rings, such as pull-ups, dips, and push-ups, leverage the individual’s own weight against the instability of the rings. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the exercises but also promotes the development of lean muscle mass. The combination of bodyweight resistance and ring instability contributes to a workout that prioritizes both strength and muscle definition, making it an excellent choice for those striving to get shredded.

And if you want a fitness challenge of only 30 days using rings to transform your upper body, you can see how Brendan Jones did it.

Brendan Jones is one of two brothers (the other being Cam Jones) from the Goal Guys, a YouTube channel with more than 400,000 subscribers. They share videos in which they take on “different goals in fitness and productivity.”

Check out below how he used rings training to improve his strength and looks in only 30 days.

Brendan Jones embarks on a new fitness challenge, delving into the world of ring training for the first time in a video he shared. Setting up a small outdoor workspace to train through the winter, Brendan expresses his longstanding curiosity about rings training. Day one serves as a trial run to assess his proficiency in various exercises, revealing early indications that the endeavour may be more challenging than anticipated.

Starting with chest and tricep exercises, Brendan attempts dips, push-ups, and butterflies on the rings. Push-ups emerge as the only exercise where he manages to complete 10 or more reps. Moving on to upper back and biceps, Pull-Ups and chin-ups present a considerable challenge. Brendan notes a significant increase in difficulty across all exercises due to the added stabilization required, engaging supporting muscles that prove to be weaker than expected.

What Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?

Acknowledging the need for a strategic approach, Brendan plans to break down the exercises into push and pull sets over two days. Incorporating band work for assistance, he aims to make substantial improvements within the 30-day timeframe. The initial pull workouts involve pull-ups, bodyweight rows, and arm curls on the rings, with additional band exercises for targeted muscle activation.

Transitioning to push days, Brendan focuses on triceps, chest, and shoulders. Warm-ups include the support hold, targeting biceps engagement. Dips, push-ups, and butterflies follow, with tricep pull-downs using bands for added intensity. Brendan introduces variations like straight bar dips at the park to diversify his training.

The first week proves exhausting, with muscles throughout Brendan’s back and shoulders feeling fatigued. Notably, his forearms experience bruising from the support holds, highlighting the unique challenges posed by rings training. Recognizing the complexities involved, Brendan consults with fitness trainer Rula Fahim to identify potential mistakes in his technique and plan a more effective strategy for the coming weeks.

Rula provides valuable insights, advising Brendan to focus on eccentric training for specific exercises and avoid training until failure. Adjusting his approach, Brendan incorporates more controlled sets of three reps for pull-ups and dips, emphasizing technique and muscle activation. Rula emphasizes the importance of shoulder stability and discourages training until failure, emphasizing the need for longevity in ring-based exercises.

Related: The Perfect Chest Workout

Incorporating Rula’s recommendations, Brendan modifies his workout routine for the final two weeks. He eliminates the tucked front lever, focusing on eccentric training using a pull-up bar. Additionally, he introduces assisted dips and weighted pull-ups for a controlled range of motion. Attention to wrist strength and maintaining a false grip during exercises becomes a priority, laying the groundwork for more advanced ring-based movements.

As Brendan approaches the final workout, he reflects on the progress made over the 30 days. Testing his strength with pull-ups, dips, and push-ups, Brendan falls just shy of 12 consecutive pull-ups, a notable improvement from the initial trial. Dips see a remarkable improvement, with Brendan achieving 16 reps, showcasing enhanced form and muscle engagement. Push-ups, the most challenging of the three exercises, witness improvement by two reps, reaching 29 before fatigue sets in.

Beyond the numerical achievements, Brendan emphasizes the significant improvement in control and balance on the rings themselves. He notes cleaner reps and the activation of a full range of mobility in each movement. The challenge taught him the value of patience, focusing on technique rather than pushing for more reps and weights.

To watch it all unfold, click on the video below from the Goal Guys.

5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong Chest

You don’t need to focus solely on gymnastic rings to improve your strength and fitness. However, as you have noticed above with Brendan Jones, this fitness equipment can vastly help you achieve your goals by adding more layers to your normal workout.

Should You Transition to Calisthenics?

Some of the most traditional ring exercises people do are:

Remember to prioritize proper form, control, and gradual progression to optimize hypertrophy benefits while minimizing the risk of injury. Adjust the difficulty by modifying body positioning or adding resistance as needed.

You can also change rings for suspension training or TRX training.

Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension Ropes

Suspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced Athletes

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What Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestShould You Transition to Calisthenics?Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced AthletesWhat Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestShould You Transition to Calisthenics?Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced AthletesWhat Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestShould You Transition to Calisthenics?Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced AthletesWhat Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestShould You Transition to Calisthenics?Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced AthletesWhat Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestShould You Transition to Calisthenics?Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced AthletesWhat Happens to Your Body if You Do 100 Push-Ups and 100 Sit-Ups Every Day For 30 Days?Related: The Perfect Chest Workout5 Best Gymnastic Ring Exercises for a Muscular and Strong ChestIncreased Instability:Enhanced Range of Motion:Holistic Muscle Engagement:Versatility:Consistency in Training:Functional Strength:Improved Core Strength:Efficient and Time-Saving:Lean Muscle Development:Adaptable Resistance:Functional Movement Patterns:Increased Difficulty Options:Should You Transition to Calisthenics?Ring Dips:Ring Pull-Ups:Ring Push-Ups:Ring Rows:Ring Muscle-Ups:Ring Bicep Curls:Ring L-Sit:Ring Face Pulls:Ring Bulgarian Split Squats:Ring Chest Flyes:Free Home Pull Workout with Bands and Suspension RopesSuspension Training: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, Intermediate and Experienced Athletes